Attending school or acquiring a degree is no longer limited to merely classroom study anymore. Education can now be achieved through distance learning programs such as internet programs and attending school via correspondence mail study programs.
Today, there are many types of certificates and degrees that can be acquired through distance learning programs.
Areas of Study for Distance Learning
There are numerous areas of study which a student can choose from to receive a distance learning degree or certificate. Students can choose to receive a Certificate, an Associate, Bachelors, Masters or even a Doctorate Degree in his or her field of interest.
Distance Learning Associate Degrees
Distance Learning Associate Degrees can be acquired in approximately two-years. Students can choose to get his or her degree via online studies or through the mail by correspondence certificate or degree study programs. Completion of a distance learning associate degree usually requires a student to have completed 64 credit hours to qualify for graduation.
An Associates Degree typically qualifies students for entry level positions in the work place allowing students to get their feet wet gaining some work experience in their field of interest while they continue to pursue a higher Degree.
Distance Learning Bachelors Degree Programs
A Distance Learning Bachelors Degree can generally be completed in three to four years depending on the college or university attended. Bachelors Degree Students also have the option of choosing an online distance learning program or correspondence mail study program.
To complete a Bachelors degree program, students who have already acquired an Associates Degree, would typically need approximately 60 additional credit hours totaling 120 credit hours to qualify for graduation of a Bachelors Degree Program.
Higher Education Distance Learning
Students don’t have to stop at receiving a Bachelors Degree, however. The next step up is a Masters Degree and then a Doctorate Degree. The choice is up to you and both of these degrees can also be attained via distance learning programs as well.
Distance learning makes it a whole lot easier for people to accomplish their educational dreams and goals.