Teachers Education

Teachers education program is a teacher-training course with certain procedures and policies to equip teachers with behavioral and organizational skills. The program is designed to endow teachers with what is becoming of a teacher. The trained teachers perform their best in maintaining discipline and managing students in classrooms. Improvement of teachers’ function in classrooms is the essence of teachers education program. It strengthens the backbone of your career as a teacher.

Teachers education program is basically divided into three categories:

Initial teachers’ education or training – It is a pre-service program to introduce you to the nitty-gritty of a teacher’s responsibility before you make your way to the school.

Induction teacher education or training – It trains and teaches you the facts and figures of teaching at the initial phase of your service in a school.

Teachers’ development education or training – It trains you in the field of technology during in-service phase of your teaching career so that you develop your way of teaching.

Basics of teachers education program

Foundational skills and knowledge – This area of the teacher-training course throws light on history, philosophy, sociology and psychology of education. A grip on these aspects of education is a fundamental skill that is of the essence to make a go of your teaching career.

Content area knowledge – This area of teacher-training course throws light on the process and procedure of teaching. It includes the parameters of assessing your knowledge of a particular subject. It introduces you to the particulars of communication and understanding between teachers and students. It puts an emphasis on your growth and development for the sake of students’ growth and development as complete human beings.

What are taken into account in this segment of the teachers education program are ‘horizontal’ or ‘transversal’ skills. These skills include learning to improve teaching. It trains you to go beyond the traditional boundaries of teaching. It endows you with knowledge of new teaching methods that are evolved with the passing of time. It also teaches you how to discover and nourish the creative core of students.

A teacher is an ideal image of human values for students. A school is the making of students and a teacher is the maker of their future. A teacher makes immense contribution to the building of a student’s character and personality. As a teacher, you will have to shoulder a mammoth responsibility towards students. The utility of teachers education program is to discover the entity of the best teacher in you.

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