Animal Habitats
Habitats are regions where certain species of plants and animals grow or live. The term ‘habitat’ is derived from the Latin term ‘it inhabits’. In
Habitats are regions where certain species of plants and animals grow or live. The term ‘habitat’ is derived from the Latin term ‘it inhabits’. In
In 1984, probably long before anyone reading this was born, a group of people decided what children should learn about geography. Basically, they decided that
Since a circle has 360 degrees, a compass has 360 degrees, too. North is at 0 degrees. The cardinal points divide the circle into 4
Although the Ancient Greeks had believed that there was land to the far South, they had absolutely no proof of it. The very first proof
#2: Closer to an Answer With new technology developed during the world wars, scientists were able to make detailed maps of the ocean floor. These
#1: Fact or Fiction? In 1912, when the German Meteorologist and Geophysicist, Alfred Wegener first proposed that the continents had started off as one huge
Finding Your Way How to Read a Compass In order to know how to read a map and give directions, and how to find out
Antarctica is the fifth largest continent and lies entirely within the Southern Hemisphere. It has the coldest climate on earth. It is also the windiest
There is very little plant life on Antarctica. It consists of small amounts of lichen and moss, and some floating plants in the inland seas.
World Geography is essential to the proper understanding of the planet we inhabit. A study of this subject must take off with lessons starting from