Map of the World

The diagrammatical representation of the world or earth is known as map of the world. A map of the world the whole geographical structures, continents and regions of the world, oceans, standard time zones and directions in a detailed manner. The maps of the world are often categorized as “political” or “physical.”

A Political map of the world is the world map showing territorial borders of the political units of the world; the political units mean the politically sovereign states of the world. A Physical map of the world features of geography such as mountains, soil type or land use. A Physical map of the world is also known as geographical map of the world.

A Geographical map of the world not just show the physical features of the world, but also the characteristics of the underlying rock, fault lines, and subsurface structures. Sometimes, a geographical map of the world also shows flora & fauna and weather conditions at various places of the world.

A map of the world can be created using a number of different map projections. A map projection is used to depict the surface of the Earth on a map of the world. Originally designed as a form of nautical chart, the Mercator projection is the best-known world-map projection.

Some of map of the world projections include Albers projection, Azimuthal conformal projection, Azimuthal equidistant projection, Behrmann projection, Bonne projection, Bottomley projection, Cahill octahedral Butterfly projection, Craig retroazimuthal projection, Dymaxion projection, Equirectangular projection, Gall-Peters projection, Gnomonic projection, Goode homolosine projection, Hammer projection, Hobo-Dyer projection, Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection, Lambert conformal conic projection, Lambert cylindrical equal-area projection, Littrow projection, Mercator projection, Miller cylindrical projection, Mollweide projection, Peters projection, Plate carrée projection, Polyconic projection, Robinson projection, Sinusoidal projection, Stereographic projection, Transverse Mercator projection, Waterman “Butterfly” projection, Werner projection, and Winkel Tripel projection.

A map of the world helps understanding world geography. It is often used in school, colleges, or homes to help students lean world geography. The maps of the world are available in printed form and digital form or software. In printed form, a map of the world can be world map wall, laminated world map, world map poster, etc. The printed forms of a map of the world are commonly available at local stationery stores or bookstores. There is a number of software programs programmed on map of the world. Online map of the world can be accessed directly thru Internet. There are numerous sites selling a wide range of map of the world online.

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