Science Fair Ideas

Science fair is an event where students create a project based on scientific phenomenon. Nonetheless, this sort of an event is independent of age, and contestants outside the domain of school and colleges also participate. If you are a budding scientist and trying to explore science fair ideas, here we’ll guide you on the same.

Before embarking on a science project, you should keep in mind that scientific activities need mental discipline, clear ideas and organization in the collection of data and their handling. Fun science is a gallery, which is meant particularly for amateur scientists. You’ll find the articles at fun science gallery quite long but amidst them some easy-to-do experiments can also be found.

With the advent of Internet, finding an idea on a science project is no more cumbersome. By typing keywords such as “science experiments”, “science fairs”, “science fair projects”, “lab experiments”, “hands-on science”, “microscope construction” etc. can give you an array of articles.

Books and magazines are equally useful. Try to browse through encyclopedias and some of the recommended magazines for science fair ideas are National Geographic, Discover, Omni, Mother Earth News, Popular Science, Prevention, Popular Mechanics, High Technology and Garbage. Reading habits should be inculcated in kids from a very young age as this helps them to cultivate ideas.

Apart from these general resources, your brain itself has loads of ideas, you just have to think critically. As a science student there are many questions that has popped up while studying a topic. Thoughts like “I wonder how that works?” or “I wonder what would happen if…”, must have occurred, turn them into projects.

If you have gone beyond textbooks and something more has intrigued you, those can also be explored in the form of projects. For instance,

  • Are hot air balloons different from blimps?
  • What would happen to the weather if Earth were cube shaped?
  • What is the best method, other than heat, to melt ice?
  • What effect does oil have on water plants?
  • How does a nuclear reactor work, how does it look?
  • How can a tomato plant be grafted to a potato plant?
  • How is sound obtained from a compact disk?
  • How does burning gasoline make a car move?
  • How do we tell how far a star is from Earth?

The largest annually held science fair in United States is the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). These events are generally sponsored by corporations and organizations and also offer scholarships as prizes. Europe also conducts science fairs such as the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in Ireland and Jugend forscht in Germany. Who knows your Science Fair Ideas will open new dimensions for humankind.

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