Crystal Hearts

You will need:

  • borax ~ found in the laundry section of supermarkets
  • red food color
  • pipe cleaners red or white
  • a wide-mouthed jar
  • yarn and a pencil


  • Twist the pipe cleaner into a heart shape
  • Find out how many cups of eater your jar holds.
  • Fill the jar using boiling water.
  • Using 3 tablespoons of borax per cup of
    water, mix the borax into the water, a little at a time. You need to stir
    quite vigorously to get it to dissolve. There may be a little that doesn’t
  • Add some red food coloring to the jar and mix
  • Attach a piece of yarn to the top of your
    heart and lower it into the jar. Tie it off round a pencil, resting across
    the mouth of the jar, so that the heart is completely submerged in the
    solution, but not resting on the bottom.

Leave it for 24 hours and then remove it from the jar.
You should have a crystal covered heart. You can give it as a gift the way it
is, or use it to frame a picture or message.

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