Solar System and Weather Earth Science Unit

Earth Science Articles deal with various subjects relating to the planet we live on. Also termed as Geoscience, the subject is a unique case in planetary science due to its exclusive life form. The subject also often involves physics, geology, mathematics, chemistry and biology for a comprehensive knowledge of the Earth’s functioning.

The various branches that must be involved in Earth Science Articles are:

  1. Geology that explores the Earth’s surface (or lithosphere) and its evolution. It includes mineralogy and petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, paleontology, stratigraphy, engineering geology and sedimentology.
  2. Geodesy and Geophysics explores the Earth form, its dealing with various forces and the Earth’s fields (magnetic and gravitational).
  3. Soil science studies the outmost stratum of the Earth’s crust and its soil formation procedures (or pedosphere). The subject includes edaphology and pedology.
  4. Oceanography and Hydrology (including Limnology) investigates the marine and freshwater life of our planet (or hydrosphere). It includes hydrogeology and physical, chemical, and biological oceanography. Within the scientific union IUGG the branches of learning are combined with Geophysics, besides the chemical ones.
  5. Glaciology studies the ice lands (or cryosphere)
  6. Atmospheric sciences deal with the gaseous covering of the Earth (or atmosphere) and include Meteorology, Climatology and Aeronomy.

However, since all the fields are related to one another, complete Earth Science Articles must have an interdisciplinary approach. For instance, to understand the patterns of waves of the sea, the interrelation between the water world, atmosphere and Earth’s rotation must be taken into account.

Article plan

  1. Review sites featured in various Earth Science videos and describe their significance.
  2. Before writing Earth Science Articles, make the students create postcards and jot down observation from the video on it with color pencils and markers. Instruct the students to add images and illustrations on one side of the postcard while making the notes on the other.
  3. Use print and online resources for the study of subject they will write on.
  4. Make students compare notes in groups.
  5. Follow with a lesson and then a discussion on the correlation between humans and the Earth’s water bodies.
  6. Round up the session with an assessment of the postcards.
  7. Now, let them start writing articles out of the ideas in the postcards.

This fun activity before writing Earth Science Articles will surely enrich the results.

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