So you want to be a nurse, do you know what you need to do before you apply to a university school of nursing. There are certain prerequisites that have to be met before you can enter into a nursing school program.
First, you will have had to at least obtain a GED, which is the high school equivalent of a diploma. If you are still in high school, it will be a good idea to take classes that focus more in the areas of applied math and sciences. This will be very helpful when applying to a university school of nursing program.
You will next need to take the SAT or ACT test, the minimum score needed to enter into a university school of nursing will be dependent upon the particular school you are applying to.
Next, you will need to do a thorough search into the schools that you will be interested in attending. Make sure you know what you need to have completed in terms of courses before applying. Then request an application from the school of your choice. Do not forget to check your GPA as minimum requirement for entrance into most university school of nursing programs is between 2.0 and 3.0.
If all of the above steps have been taken care of, now you need to request a copy of your high school transcripts to be sent along with your carefully filled out application. It is always a good idea to include with your application and transcripts a well-written essay outlining what your career goals are, and why you want to become a nurse.
Last, but not least, collect all of the letters of recommendation as requested on you application and submit your admission package to the school of your choice. Follow these steps and you will be on your way toward the career of your dreams.