US Geography

Do You know your State Flags?
Look at the flag, and then click on the correct state from the list. If you get it wrong, you are told the correct answer. This is a great way to learn the flags.

Farmers Markets – Facts
Find out what a farmers market is and how it benefits both the farmer and the consumer.

Fun Facts from the Farm
Here you will find some interesting facts on agriculture and nutrition in California.

A History of American Agriculture
Choose any of the main headings to see facts about agriculture. The headings include economic cycles, life in the farm, crops and livestock and many more.

Latitude and Longitude Look Up
This site gives latitude and longitude for major cities around the US.

National Atlas of the USA
This site has a variety of interactive and multimedia maps showing all sorts of details, from outbreaks of viruses to active volcanoes. Just click on the topic you are interested in and you will be taken to the map.

States and Capitals
Choose from the list of states to find details on any state. Details include capital, geographical center, flower, flag, highest point, lowest point and other relevant information.

US State Capitals Matchmaker
Match the capital to the State. Try to beat the average time. This game is fun and addictive.

US States Climate Page
Click on any state to see a smaller map with the major cities. Then click on a city to get basic climatology information, or monthly tables on temperature and precipitation.

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