The program and its many hues
A fourth grade reading program is introduced to make the lessons easier and interesting for the new school-going kids. The particular program comprises of the various co-curricular activities besides the phenomenal reading and learning lessons. The program includes printable worksheets, interactive activities, learning games, assessments and positive reinforcement. It has been found to be very productive in terms of making a child equipped with the very fundamental concepts of language from an early age.
Positive effects on the child learner
The entire regime of the 4th grade reading process that involves the children into varied reading activities, games, reinforcement activities and assessments, makes their journey pleasurable and engrossing. It also comprises of a separate 4th grade reading worksheet to evaluate the reading standard of each of the students. It requires the students to participate in the manifold language activities and exercises; thus, generating their interest in the subject. Eventually it helps the students in future to be able to read, write and comprehend good English.
4th grade reading – indispensable for the beginners
A fourth grade reading regime is a must-do for every school-going infants as it enables them to get a hint of the language arts strands from the very beginning of their career. From an enriched vocabulary of synonyms, antonyms and a sea of English words, the 4th grade reading program equips the fertile minds of the children with every preliminary details of the language arts strands. These various language skills and props form a major and critical section of the 4th grade reading syllabus.
Opinion of National Education Association
‘Provide your child with a home dictionary or encyclopedia,’ says the National Education Association (NEA). The child with a fresh and fecund mind is at its best condition to take in the basics of everything in its grip. Thus, it is opined to all the parents to introduce their kids to myriad of new exposures and colorful horizons through the phenomenal 4th grade reading. Gradually a child should be made aware of the world around him, through books and media. They should be acquainted with books of fairy tales, Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew, R.L. Stevenson and many such legendary authors and their classics. Acquaintance with the Disney channels, cartoon characters and the comic movies, during its journey of childhood, not only fetch that thousand-dollar smile on your child’s face, but also puts into effect the ideal use of 4th grade reading.