There are various things that threaten the environment. These threats include pollution, acid rain and global warming. The issues are discussed and possible solutions put forward. Find out what you can do to protect your environment.
Drinking Water
From the Environmental Protection Agency, this site gives simple information on water sources, the water cycle and the prevention of pollution. There are also links to other good sites.
E-Patrol Energy Savers
Try this fun way to learn how you can save energy at home. Click on each room in the house, and then on the various objects. Each object will give you an energy saving tip.
Eco-Beetle Eco-Tips
Here you will find a list of things you can do around your house, to save energy and protect the environment.
Garbage Solutions
Different communities have tackled the problem of garbage in different ways. Learn all about these various solutions for dealing with garbage.
Great Barrier Reef Campaign
Learn some amazing facts about the Great Barrier Reef. Click on the tabs at the top to find out why it is in danger, and what is being done about it.
Oil and Water Don’t Mix
This Australian site shows what happens when oil spills into the sea. The effects on marine life are discussed and a clean up plan is shown. This is a really nicely presented site. Don’t miss it!
Rainforest Action Network
This site gives a very brief look at life and animals in the rainforests. The site is dedicated to preserving this fragile environment.
Click on any area in the city to find out more about recycling and what is being done to protect the environment. Play online games and even make your own recycling scavenger hunt.
Tour of the Paper Plant
Take a look at what happens in the recycling process of paper. You start in the storage yard, and then follow the paper through the mill and all the processes. You end up with the finished product – recycled paper.