Numbers 0-20

Be it counting numbers 0-20 for preschoolers or addition, subtraction lessons for 10-year-olds, teaching Math basics should be every-inch a fun. Actually, learning activities for preschoolers and young children should be such that they are able to learn while at play, otherwise they tend to get bored. Hence, as a teacher, you should plan fun-filled lessons and activities that involve the children both physically and mentally. Your child will learn fast and commit everything to memory if you take help of games and puzzles based on acoustic and visual aids that are able to hold his / her attention.

Number Sound Puzzles like the Numbers 0-20 Puzzle by Melissa & Doug are excellent tools for teaching counting to children aged between 2 and 5. The Numbers 0-20 puzzles are riddles that require the user to identify and place a number in its proper place, resulting in the number being named by the device. Removing each number exposes a brightly colored picture beneath.

Nonetheless, there are other easy means of learning numbers, 0-10, 0-20, 0-30 and even more. As in the case of alphabets, rhymes and songs are simply unparalleled for teaching numbers to kids. Every language in the world has its stock of number rhymes and so has the English language. Thus, it will be easier to teach counting numbers 1-10 to your 2-year-old if you resort to the popular English rhyme “One, two, buckle my shoe … Nine, ten, a good fat hen”. Compose your own rhyme for numbers 0-20. You would do better to incorporate hand and bodily actions.

An easy way of teaching numbers to children is to engage them in games and activities that involve counting. Number your child’s toys and have her identify the numbers and arrange them in the toy-basket. Select a few household articles and number them. Hide the articles and ask the children to find them all. Stories that center round counting are effective means for teaching numbers.

Another effective way of teaching how to count to preschoolers is to play ‘school’. Write down an incorrect number sequence and ask the children to make necessary corrections. Involving more than one child will make the learning process more interesting.

Fun games like Chinese checkers, dominos, logic grids, etc. make Maths enjoyable. Board games like backgammon, chess and Yahtzee are great for school going children.

Everything said and done, we would like to emphasize that incorporating the learning activities into everyday life will increase the chances of your success manifold times. Whether you are teaching numbers 0-20 or elementary Arithmetic, children will learn things better if you teach them through computer games or even in the form of cookie games, etc. And remember, since repetition clarifies things better, you should never let go by an opportunity of repeating the fun counting games and lessons on a regular basis, especially the ones the children come to like most.

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