3rd Grade

The students of 3rd grade are said to be the beginners of learning and reading. It is very crucial stage in every child’s career. This is the time when a child adapts to the habit of reading. The children are provided with a wide variety of books such as fables, myths, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, biographies etc. It is not that the children learn to read but it is just the opposite. It is very true that children read to learn.

Parents should always be careful as far as the education of his child is concerned. They come across various subjects to study like social studies, science, math and many others. Right from the 3rd grade, a child must develop a good reading habit, which will further lead to a strong vocabulary power of the child. It is often found that the texts, which they go through makes them, interpret certain phrases and lines, helping them to build a strong creative power within themselves.

Generally, students of 3rd grade start learning the language through similes and metaphors. They often take the help of personifications and imageries to recognize a particular incident described in the text. Children should always be given the choice to select books of their own. For instance, most children love to read mysteries. Therefore, it is always better to provide them with books of mysteries like Freddy, the Detective.

3rd grade students should be acquainted with the task of researching. This is the ideal time for the third grade students to excel in the field of research through consulting books, encyclopedias, glossaries, Internet etc. As a result, he gets to learn how to assemble and apply the ideas while researching about a particular topic. A 3rd grade student will face problems in understanding difficult and unknown words. In that case, he can consult a dictionary, which will also provide him the exact meaning of that particular word.

One of the important tasks for a 3rd grade student is to read stories. This will help him to have a strong hold over the stock of words. Further, he will be able to imagine similar stories and this will gradually enhance his creative powers. Through the help of graphic organizers, children often draw Venn diagrams to represent the matter, which they have understood while reading a particular text.

The 3rd grade students can take part in the shared reading, which is organized by the teachers. This is an interactive reading session where the teacher helps the child while he continues to read. When your child completes his third grade, you have to test out certain factors in your child. For example, reading silently but fluently, reading longer stories, multi-syllable words, recognizing synonyms, applying strong vocabulary, using homophones, realizing the category of stories like fiction or fantasy or prose etc.

Libraries are the best place for the 3rd grade students where they will come across a wide stock of books and magazines. There are also reading centers where they can be provided with software and many such facilities, which will help them to develop good reading skills.

3rd grade is a crucial schooling stage when a child must start reading to learn increasingly.

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