Phonics Worksheets

Phonic worksheets make it easy for kindergarteners to develop their phonics skills. Phonics curriculum is an integral part of kindergarten education. Actually, the understanding of how to combine letters to make words and sounds is known as phonics. A phonics curriculum involves reading and learning activities to distinguish between consonants and vowels and to practice letter combinations like diagraphs and blends.

Phonics worksheets are created with an eye to develop phonemic awareness among kindergarteners. Learning is based on reading and reading appears a pleasurable activity when it is fast and fluent. Knowledge of letter and word combinations contributes a lot to the fluency in reading. Children learn to identify the title and author a reading selection. They also learn how to match printed words with oral words. They are asked to classify words with different meanings into different categories like flower, floor, foods, animals, colors, trees and birds.

Kindergarten education program is incomplete without phonics worksheets. These worksheets include lessons to introduce single, di, tri and multi-syllable words to kids at kindergartens. Kids also learn the art of rhyming words and blending vowels with the consonants. These worksheets teach them to identify words with their syllabic sounds.

It is as difficult for a teacher to develop phonics skills of children, as it is to get water out of rock. What makes their work easier and convenient are phonics worksheets. These worksheets carry cartoon pictures to fetch the never-at-peace minds of kids in learning phonics. The worksheets use pictures of the things from the walks of daily life. It helps the kids to get familiar with in daily course of life. The pictures are colorful and catching enough to draw attention of the tender minds towards learning phonics.

At the initial phase, the phonics worksheets teach them the words that they say and hear every day. The use of flash cards as a teaching tool to teach phonics is effective and fruitful. Most kids learn quicker in visual mode than in any other modes. The visual learners make a visual association between sounds, words and objects. They take not time to pronounce words when they are asked to identify the words on showing them the pictures.

Some kids flinch from facing books. Reading and learning are their pet hate. What add flavor to reading and learning at the stage of childhood education are the worksheets. The phonics worksheets contain riddles, puzzles and some word games to feed younger minds’ love for fun and joy.

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