Problem Solving

Problem solving is a skill and process that helps you to solve an immediate problem or to achieve a goal. Fulfilling aims and ambitions is necessary for each and every student. However, while trying to reach such goals you may encounter grave barriers and here lies the credibility of problem solving.

In addition to assisting you with an immediate issue, problem solving is also considered as a life skill. Like the ability to ride bi-cycle, add numbers or to swim, solving problem is a skill, which once you learn can help you in every step of life. For those students who face challenges or issues on campus, at work, or at home and find themselves in a mess while solving it quickly or automatically, this skill with its varied steps enables you to become an effective problem solver.

A Glance at Seven Step Problem Solving Cycle

Assisting students to come out from their issues, problems and difficulties many universities have set up their mind in adopting such problem solving methods, thus enabling a student to become an effective problem solver, by applying their logical, critical and creative thinking. Remember every time you use this method, you are increasing your skills. Thus, it is vital to view a problem solving as a cycle, as it needs several attempts to solve it. Here are some hand-picked steps to help you.

At the first step, you need to identify and name the problem. Until and unless you are sure about the problem, you can’t find an appropriate solution. First, you need to chalk out whether it is personal or academic or some other problems and then based on that you must solve it out taking necessary helps accordingly.

Secondly, you need to explore the problem and think about that problem in different ways. Seeing the problem in a different ways is sure to help you in finding effective solution.

Sometimes people get so frustrated about a problem that at times they forgot to think about what they want. Therefore, it is important at this step to set out the goals first and work towards achieving it.

Fourth step is to device as much alternative solution as possible. Deciding what your goal is you need to look for some possible solution.

Fifthly, you need to select a possible solution. From the list of possible solution, you must sort out which are most relevant to your situation along with realistic and manageable.

Sixthly you need to implement a possible solution. Once selecting possible solution it would be easy for you to put it perfectly into action. Though implementing a solution needs perfect planning and timing.

Lastly, you need to evaluate. Working out a problem solving process and implementing the possible solution is not enough to solve your problem; here you need to evaluate the effectiveness of solution.

To conclude problem solving model is a useful resource to utilize in your personal, academic and professional lives. Once you learn the steps and know how to implement, you will find no more problems dogging you or making your life hell! So just try to make the difference.

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