Science Weather

Science weather is all about predicting the weather conditions with reasonable accuracy. Weather is daily matter of concern for most of us. Every morning millions of people turn on their radio sets and televisions for weather forecast before reaching their workplaces. A series of questions hovers in our mind like a whirlpool. Will the early sunshine last? Do the cloudy skies bring rain? Will the rising temperature become warm enough to melt snow and ice? Do we have to wear white clothes or carry umbrellas? Thanks to science weather, and an array of sophisticated tools and latest technologies, that has improved the accuracy of forecast dramatically.

Some latest inventions related to science weather

Weather forecast in ancient times was based upon observations made with the naked eye but today everything has changed. With a wide array of sophisticated tools, it seems easy to measure air-pressure, temperature and humidity in a jiffy. Nowadays, weather prediction is not at all an uphill task. Here is some useful information about the evolution of equipments for science weather:

  • Italian scientists, Torriceilli invented the Barometer that helps in measuring air pressure
  • Hygrometer that measures atmospheric humidity was developed in 1664
  • German Physicist Daniel Fahrenheit, invented mercury thermometer in 1714
  • French scientist, Antonio Lavoisier, proposed that it is always possible to predict the air-pressure, wind speed, moisture content with one or two days ahead
  • Various weather maps are used to show wind direction and force. This is possible through the use of isobars and isotherms

Science weather is related to the development of sophisticated equipments and easy predictions in advance. These days you will find that improvements are constantly being made in weather forecasting. With 71% of globe’s surface covered by ocean, researchers are now focusing attention on the way energy is stored. Through a system of buoys, the global ocean observing system provides enough information via satellite to ground stations.

You will find more the meteorologists acquire the data, the more they will become aware of enormous complexity of the weather. Taking the help of science and innovative technology, nowadays you will find that hundreds of weather stations around the world release balloons carrying radio sound instruments that measure atmospheric conditions and then radio the information back. By bouncing radio waves off raindrops and ice particles in clouds, meteorologists can easily track the movement of storms.

Therefore, thanks to science weather that has made the task of meteorologists easier and has revealed before us that accuracy of forecast and advance prediction.

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