Third Grade Science Projects

The third grade science projects help the 3rd grade kids to understand science better. Further, these help them in their future learning. The science projects for the kids should be made interesting and fun, as only then will the kids be able to learn better and properly. You should take care that the kids are enjoying what they learn; this will make them retain what they learn for a longer time.

Different science projects that could be interesting for the kids

Many interesting third grade science projects are there, which will interest your child. Like for instance, if you want to help them understand the different types of houses built by human beings, you can make them use dried leaves for huts, twigs for nests and they can use other materials like cotton, thick cardboard and other stuffs. All the way, the activity can be loads of fun for the kids.

To encourage the kids to learn about animals, you can get cutouts of big as well as young animal pictures and these are great materials for third grade science projects.

Another great science projects will be to encourage the kids to know the growth of the plants. We all know that plants require air, water and sunlight for growth. Have the kids take two plants in two different pots; the plant in one pot should get sunlight, water and air for the good growth of the plant, whereas the second plant should be covered with a polythene bag without air contact, with no water and away from the sunlight. You will find that the second plant will die after some days and the first plant will grow up to be a healthy plant.

Science projects can be lovely learning tools

Always look for third grade science projects that are easy to make, easy to explain to the kids and helps them to understand their science lessons better. The approach to teaching science becomes lot more interesting once you know how to go about it armed with the fun projects. You will be surprised to find the third grade kids more than ready to learn. As a teacher, you can make your teaching more practicable with the third grade science projects.

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