Christmas Activities

Enliven this winter vacation with a mirthful array of Christmas activities, to add more to the fun and excitement. The activities are mainly for the children to have a rollicking time with their friends. Christmas is not only about Christmas tree and about presents, but the charm is more appealing than you can imagine.

The festive mood of the winter season charged up with a spate of gleeful activities is everything to pep up the mood. Children are excited about their winter vacation, since it is the only time in the entire year to have real fun. They want to indulge in various Christmas activities that will make their holidays worthy. Let us have a look at the galore of Christmas activities, as listed below:

It’s Christmas Time Again, Children … lets Rock it!

The name of this game is ‘Gift Steal’. You keep ready surprise gifts in attractive parcels, call the children one after the other, and let them pick up the parcel they find most stunning. The fun soars when you rush, grab a gift and then sit back down. Who really mind a bit of ruckus! The real game starts now…… Once the children have their own gifts, they can now steal their friends’ gifts. There are multiple choices to conduct the process – like spinning a bottle, number game, passing a ball.

The next game is the ‘Team Christmas Jigsaw’. It is a group game. What you do is that, you write down “Merry Christmas” on a board and then stick some stickers and colorful pictures surrounding it. Then, you cut the board into various geometric shapes like triangle, square, circle and so on. You keep the prices in a box and then ask each group to send a member one at a time to collect the piece. The catch of the game is to spell the “merry Christmas” and win the prize.

Christmas activities for all

Apart from the above-mentioned Christmas activities, there are a number of exciting events or other Christmas activities, which are quite common with the children. Singing the ‘Christmas carols’ with your family can be of great family. The ‘Cookie Exchange’ party is also considered as one of the most exiting events of the Christmas activities. The elders strive to make the best cookies and wrap them in funky packages. Children are also involved when it comes to exchanging the cookies.

‘Christmas Countdown’ is especially for the children. They prepare 24 different strips of paper and then decorate them with glitters and colors. The strips are put together in a string and hanged in the room. With each passing day, the child tears one strip and understands how many days are left for Christmas. Christmas arrives when all the stripes are gone.

Hence, the fun can get you really excited with loads of Christmas activities throughout the winter season.

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