Teacher’s Resources

Lesson Plans and Online Resources



Resources for lesson plans, activity suggestions, and general classroom help related to social studies for kids are all available here.

Lesson Plans and Educational Activities
About.com’s Geography Guide provides a list of links for educational sites and resources related to geography.


Social Studies – Ancient Civilizations
Lesson plans and online resources related to ancient civilizations are supplied by the About.com Guide for K-6 Educators.


Save hours of wasted time, searching for subjects with this must-have tool. This site has search engines specifically designed to find teaching materials. Five different levels of search, depending on how narrow a search you want.

Discovery School
Lesson plans are arranged by subject and grade range.

Ancient Egypt – Lesson Plans for Teachers
Using Ancient Egypt as the theme these lesson plans include art, language arts, math and science, mummies and social studies.

Academy Curricular Exchange – Social Studies (K-5)

Simple lesson plans giving different perspectives on the US Social Studies curriculum, submitted by teachers. They are especially good for the younger age group.

Primary Resources

A limited number of printable resources are available for the UK National curriculum. General geography and some history topics are covered.

Geography Education: Grades K-4
Lesson plans and resources for teaching geography are available to teachers of k-4.

Geography Education: Grades 5-8
Delve into these lesson plans and resources for teaching geography to grades 5-8

Current Lesson Plans Index – SSEC

New lesson plans are added each month to this site, which has lesson plans according to grade level.


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