Black History Month Challenge

This month we are inviting you to participate in our

You will be required to read some pages about Black
History, and then do a related activity.

In all there will be seven activities to complete. We
will post a new activity twice a week. When you have completed them all, an
adult should post to the forum, or send us an email.

We will then send you a certificate saying you completed
the challenge. The certificate will be sent via email, and you can print it out.

No cheating and NO giving up.
Remember, Harriet Tubman was willing to shoot anyone who gave up.

We have made most of the activities best suited to
around fifth grade. We are more than willing to make some adaptations for
younger kids if they want to participate.

The challenges will be added to this
, bookmark it
so you can check back for new challenges.

Note to Parents or Teachers:

We would love to hear about how the children are doing
as they progress through the challenge. We have made a special folder for this
on the forum. If any challenge was too easy or too hard let us know. Give us
your feedback.

Please do NOT give out personal details of children on
the forum, a first name and age is the most you should ever post.

On completion of the challenge, and your posting, we will
contact you via email asking for a full name for the certificate. We do not
share any information we receive with any third party.

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