Christmas Eve Traditions

The day before Christmas Day, the birth of Jesus Christ is Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve traditions on December 24th forms a part of the entire Christmas season. For setting up and adorning the Christmas tree, the day of the Christmas Eve is the traditional day, though the trees have been set up for weeks before Christmas Day.

Nearly all countries keep Christmas Eve a shortened business day with financial markets closing by early noon. It is the formal day for adorning the homes and churches during the Christmas season.

For the western Christian Churches, the liturgical season of Christmas virtually begins on Christmas Eve. Many Christmas Eve traditions of Catholic Churches throughout the world celebrate their midnight mass on Christmas Eve, which marks the beginning of the Christmas Day.


Christmas wouldn’t be christmas without decorations! Nowadays you can find more things imaginable to show your spirit for the holiday. There are several options for lighting your tree and home. There is an unending amount of Christmas tree decorations and ornaments as well. You can find holiday wallpaper, wrapping paper and lawn ornaments in just about any store selling Christmas products. With the amount of products available it’s not hard to create your own unique look for your home.

The Christmas Eve Food

Turkey or ham mainly dominates the food list as part of typical Christmas Eve traditions. Roasted goose is the traditional dish in Germany during this holiday. However, the people of Poland and Lithuania serve a traditional spread of 12 meatless dishes as part of their Christmas Eve traditions before unfastening the gifts. On the other hand, in Spain it is popular to start the meal with a seafood dish and then move onto some hot homemade soup.

The Gifts From Santa Claus

Christmas Eve is also the night when children long for gifts from Santa Claus. They hang up stockings for Santa Claus to tuck their gifts into. They also leave mince pies as a treat for Santa Claus and carrot for the reindeers. Their stockings are supposed to be filled if they have been good children.

The gifts are opened at different times in different countries. In the United States and United Kingdom the gifts are opened on the Christmas Day morning, whereas Germany opens its gifts on the evening of Christmas Eve. Latin America chooses to keep awake till midnight for opening their presents.

In cases where a divorce has occurred in a family, the children usually spend the Christmas Eve with one part of the family and Christmas with another part of the family. The most important fact is that even if a family is poor, they still afford to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ through eating and merry-making.

Carol Service

Christians go to a carol service as part of Christmas Eve traditions. There are actually two carol services- one for the children and the other is closer to midnight allowing the people to rejoice and welcome the coming of our Lord on Christmas day.

Wonderful Christmas Eve Traditions during the First World War

On the midnight of Christmas Eve in 1914, there was a sudden stop to the firing from the German coaches. Christmas carols were played by a German brass band. Though the allied soldiers at first mistook it for a trick, they soon shook hands, sang carols and exchanged gifts of cigarettes and plum puddings among themselves. They even played a game of soccer together.

Regarded for the starting of the Christmas celebrations, the day of the Christmas Eve is celebrated all over the world for ages.

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