One of the reasons people might shy away from getting their master’s degree online is that they think it’s not as valid as a master’s degree from a real world campus. However, that’s not the case. Although some bachelor degrees online are not considered as valid, master’s degrees online are considered just as impressive as getting it the traditional way.
Make no mistake about it – you are still going to have to work hard and reorganize your priorities when pursuing any master’s degree – online or not. The course load and the tests are just as challenging. You will have to still strain your brain. This is becoming common knowledge to employers.
Unlike bachelor degrees, master’s degrees prove that you are an acknowledged expert in your field, no matter what side of the computer you are on to get that degree. You need a bachelor’s in order to go for any master’s degree online, so that proves you know how to learn and schedule your time. This is very attractive to potential employers.
Most master’s degrees in the real world didn’t much require the student’s presence. They often spent time learning on their own, especially if they were working on a thesis. This is unlike bachelor degrees, where you really do have to show up for class in order to get a good grade. This is another reason that getting a master’s degree online has made a much easier transition to acceptance than a bachelor degree.
Another advantage of getting any kind of master’s degree in an employer’s eyes is that you are a specialist. They know right way what you are most interested and qualified in. For example, this writer has an English bachelor degree. Employers yawn when they see my resume. But if I had an MFA in Creative Writing, then that would raise eyebrows.