Mexican Flag Day

Mexican Flag Day also known as “El Dia de la Bandera” is celebrated on February 24th,by Mexicans across the country. This day is commemorated as a unique holiday in admiration of traditional Mexican heritage. The Mexican Americans on this day pay homage to the flag of their native ancestral country- Mexico.

Every year the red, white and green Mexican flag is hoisted up on the Cerro de la Bandera (Flag Hill) in Buena Vista on Mexican Flag Day. A race to the summit is held, which is open to anyone who has the spirit to participate. In the evening, people have merriments in Plaza Mijares, the main square of San Jos� del Cabo. Special TV and radio programs are also broadcasted on this occasion, in order to propagate the history behind the day.

A Brief Background

Public festivities started on Mexican Flag Day since February 24th, 1937 near the monument of General don Vicente Guerrero, the first Mexican military general to swear to the flag.

Mexico was formerly ruled by the Aztecs – one of the tribes that settled in the area. However, the country was a Spanish colony from 1521 to 1821 until the war for independence was won.

The Mexican Flag

When you look at the Mexican flag, you wonder what the colors in the flag stand for. The Mexican Flag has three colors green, white, and red and they stand for the following:

  • Green is the symbol of hope and victory.
  • White stands for the purity of our ideals.
  • Red represents the blood of the national heroes shed for their motherland.

In addition to these bands of color, the flag also has an emblem. The emblem in the Mexican flag has a defining story based on a legend which tells, how the Mexicans traveled from Aztl�n (now Nayarit) in search of the sign that Huitzilopochtli had narrated them, and that they would find it in the place where they should establish their empire.

The sign had an eagle on top of a Nopal cactus devouring a serpent. It was ultimately found in a small island in the heart of a lake. They settled there and founded the city of Tenochtitlan, which is now Mexico City.

The design of the Mexico Flag has changed over time, so has the significance and symbolism behind the three colors of the flag. Earlier, the green vertical stripe of the Mexican flag projected the independence of Mexico. Now, positioned to the far left of the Mexican flag it stands as symbol of hope for the future of Mexico. It is customary for Mexican to have foods rich in green coloring such as jalapenos on Mexico Flag Day.

The white stripe of the Mexican flag, which holds the Coat of Arms represents the beginning of the nation’s capital, Mexico City. It also represents the unity of the Mexican people and purity of their culture.

Lastly, the red vertical stripe represents the commitment to religion on which many Mexican citizens faithfully practice.

The Flag Day is a national celebration and a prime example of unrestrained Mexican chauvinism that high commendable. Mexican Flag Day is a day of unity, respect for national heroes and a hope for the better future for all Mexicans.

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