Math Assessment

The Math Assessment Test (MAT) is taken by students to evaluate their competency level in the areas of Trigonometry and College Algebra.

Who needs Math Assessment?

MAT can be taken by any student who needs a placement, especially those not credited by SPSU for Precalculus and College Algebra. The credit for courses usually comes by CLEP, transfer, or AP scores. Before the student registers for any Math course at SPSU, MAT should be taken. It is to be remembered that it will not be possible for a MAT aspirant to have a registration in math course at SPSU unless the MAT requirement has been met.

Pattern of MAT

The Math Assessment Test is a 9-0 minute long examination that requires you to answer 63 questions which covers Trigonometry and College Algebra. What you must bring with you to the MAT exam hall is your photo I.D and two #2 pencils.

You must also know that you have the option of taking the MAT only once and you are not permitted to use a calculator in the exam hall.

There are special provisions for students who have a documented learning physical handicap or disability.

Notification of MAT times and dates

All the incoming students are mailed for notifying the MAT requirement. The time and the dates of the MAT are given away at the time of Orientation.

Using the MAT scores

The marks scored by a student help in denoting the student’s correct starting point in the math sequence of SPSU. No matter what the scores are in MAT, it will not take away the course credit that was originally awarded to the student by SPSU.

Assessment of MAT scores

The MAT scores are actually maintained in the computer files of the students. It is advisable for the students to start with a course that is lower than the MAT placement. You can make use of the mathematical knowledge that you have gained though experience in the previous courses.

When the student prepares for the Math Assessment Test, the student may find it useful for reviewing stuff from the math courses that have been taken previously in the Precalculus and College Algebra areas.

Try your best to do well in the Math Assessment, by practicing College Algebra and Trigonometry.

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