School Dictionary

A school dictionary is one of the useful and best sources of knowledge for school students. It is not only the school students who benefit but students undergoing higher courses also has to take the help of dictionaries to understand the meaning or application of any word. A dictionary, also known as lexicon, is a book that contains a huge and sequential gist of words with their meanings, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciations etc.

In the dictionary, the alphabetical order of the words helps students to search the meanings of words within a very short span of time. A school dictionary is quite helpful for a teacher as it helps him to teach students the pronunciation of the long complex words. However, a school dictionary is written mainly for those who learn foreign languages. Now, there are plenty of good dictionaries available for the schools. The teacher decides the right one for the students so that they may not face any difficulty in learning.

Now let us take a look at some of the well-known dictionaries that are best suited for the schools. Some of them are mentioned below:

New Oxford Dictionary of English – It is one of the best dictionaries that feature about millions of words. In fact, it is the best English dictionary that any one can opt for. Some of the features of the Oxford Dictionary include parts of speech fully spelled out, 100,000 entries, clear-cut definitions, about four hundred and fifty in-text boxed notes on spellings, in-text panels for grammar and word building, and many more.

Cambridge School Dictionary – It has been one of the most helpful dictionaries for students studying other subjects through English. The dictionary is listed with a large stock of vocabulary that covers almost all the subjects starting from low to high-level categories. Be it the International GCSE topics or IT or economics and literature, Cambridge Dictionary will provide you every bit of information on various topics. Every single word of the dictionary is explained in clear and simple English along with a perfect grammar usage. The CD ROMs attached with the dictionary will also help you to develop your language skills faster.

The Lexiteria Middle School Dictionary – This dictionary is quite a unique one. It is not the same like the usual dictionaries available in the market. It was primarily designed to cater those students whom were learning SmartWord applications in e-texts.

Macmillan School Dictionary – The Macmillan School Dictionary is a perfect one for the schools students. The dictionary prepares students for the important examinations as well as the lessons that are followed in the school. Students who are studying a wide array of subjects must refer to this dictionary as it helps them to prepare and learn through the medium of English. Apart from providing student’s a great opportunity to strengthen the vocabulary, Macmillan School Dictionary also comes with experiments and projects, composition skills, revision and examination skills and many other features.

Junior School Dictionary – This dictionary has been written for school students in such a way that they may find it quite comfortable in using it in the classrooms. It is also the best friend and a guide when a student sits with homework.

With the help of a school dictionary, a student will rectify himself from making huge spelling mistakes and will learn how to write an essay or an article by applying the right choice of words.

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