Mad Minutes

Mad minutes are a math related concept. In fact, it is a great way to encourage the kids and allow them to have interest in math related matters. Some kids find mathematics difficult to attempt and solve and they start showing a general laziness towards the subject. For them, this concept of mad math minute can really work wonders.

Mad math minute is a fabulous way to practice the basic math skills. The concept covers all, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Mad math minutes are a great way to make kids feel the interest in trying out new and innovative things in the world of Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. Here, the students are allowed to choose their preferred problem types and they practice to make things seem simple and less difficult.

Go the Mad Minutes way

Mad minutes are a great way for helping students gain immediate recall of number facts. Read on, if you want to know how.

A student can solve a mathematical problem quite easily like 7X9 or 9+5. This is just a basic fact. But, if you have to put the mental ability of your child to test, what do you do? Simply, change the order of things; this is to say that you put the same mathematical problems as 7X?=63 or may be, 9+?=14. This will sharpen the thinking prowess of your child and help him/her grasp mathematical applications precisely.

Do the same with subtraction as well as division mathematical operations. Start with sums like, 7-4=? or 9/3=? After your child learns to master these mathematical operations, challenge him/her to solve sums like 5-?=2 or 6/?=3. See, if your child can efficiently solve them. This is the mad minutes way of solving sums.

Why choose mad math minutes?

If you really decide to have a try with mad math minutes things are sure to turn fun and enthusiastic for you. Mad math minutes comprise a set of problems with multiple variations. However, it is you who has to choose the problem as par requirement and practice accordingly.

In mad minutes, a student is compelled to judge a sum from several angles and then come to a definite conclusion of how to solve the sum and end up with a correct solution. With mad math minutes, a student can excel no matter how weak he or she may be in mathematics. Mad math minutes have been designed and formulated for all intermediates, beginners and experts. Here you make mistakes and you learn from those mistakes not to commit a mathematical blunder in future. Thus, it’s time you should try to be an expert and a perfectionist in math with mad minutes.

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