Regional History


African History
Africa is made up of many countries, each with their own past. At this site you will find links to historical information on several specific African countries, as well as a general overview on African History.

Colonial Africa
This is a very well presented introduction to the history of colonialism in Africa. It starts with a brief list of important facts you should know, goes on to details about early explorers and the colonies, ending with the indpendence of African Nations. It even touches on Liberia, the nation founded by freed American slaves, and the only African nation never to have been occupied by a colonial power.

Story of Africa
The BBC collected articles from African historians on the history of Africa, and put them together to make this huge site. It has links to different regions and eras of African History.

Australia and New Zealand

Australian Timeline
This very brief document gives the major dates in Australian history since it was first sighted by the Europeans in 1606.

Early Queensland History
Although Australia had British settlements as early as 1788, the first settlement in Queensland didn’t happen until 1824. This first settlement was a convict colony. Learn more about the exploration and settlement of Queensland.

Australian History

Here you will find a history of Australia prior to colonization, as well as post colonization. Discover why Britain chose to send her convicts there, and what became of them.

The Whitianga Museum and Captain Cook’s Arrival
Read about Captain Cook’s first expedition to New Zealand, and how the local inhabitants treated him. This page is a little difficult to read as it has excerpts from his diary, written in old English.


Canadian History Timeline
This well-illustrated timeline begins in the age of the dinosaurs and continues to the present day. It is clear and colorful, giving a very little information, but enough to whet your appetite for Canadian history.

Famous Canadians – Timeline
From 1700 this timeline lists the birth dates of important people in Canadian History. Each name has a link to a brief biography. This is a very useful starting place for finding out more about Canadian History.

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
This buffalo jump, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, demonstrates a custom practiced by native inhabitants of North America for almost 6000 years. Learn about the history of the Blackfoot tribe, the buffalo jump and more at this informative and interesting site.

Early Days – Homesteaders
Early settlers to Western Canada undertook long and difficult journeys, in the hopes of owning land. Follow these early settlers from their journey, through their house building and onto school and community activities.

Canadian History
This is a list of sites with useful information on Canadian History for kids. There are also links to lesson plans for teachers of elementary level history.


History of India
The Indian government has produced this site with information on different eras of Indian History. The information stretches from the Indus Valley Civilization to the New State, covering 2,300 years of history.

India Under the British
From the 1600 Britain established trade in India, and quickly cam to power. The British East India Company ruled over India for over 200 years but was eventually replaced by the British Government. Learn about the initial trading company, the mutiny that led to its downfall, and the British rule that followed.

Indian Mutiny
Although this site is written with older students in mind, it presents a clear history of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. There is a brief background of the history and reasons leading up to the mutiny, as well as a description of the mutiny itself.

Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandes Gandhi, otherwise know as Mahatma Gandhi, led the nonviolent protest against British Rule in India. Eventually he won independence for India. Read about his early life, time spent in South Africa, and eventual rise to power in India.

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