King James Bible is a literary and religious treasure. This version of the Bible was published in the year 1611. The original Bible in Greek and Hebrew language was beyond the understanding of the common Christians. Thus, for their convenience King James I requested the Bible to be translated in English – the language of the mass. However, at that time before the publication of the King’s Bible, the Geneva Bible existed as the popular translated version from the original.
However, King James was not in favor of this Geneva style for he felt that some parts of the Bible went against the sovereign authority. However, in spite all arrangements and sincere efforts the translated version of the Bible dedicated to King James never received the King’s authorization nor did it came to be identified as the only permitted text within the church premise. Irrespective of such a restricted promulgation, the King James Bible was successfully able to replace the popularity of both Geneva and Bishop’s Bible.
The process of translation
People chosen for the translation work were divided into six panels and each panel was given to translate specified books of the Bible. Soon after the translation was complete, a committee of translators was chosen from each of the six panels assigned to evaluate the work done following a set of established guideline rules. This was done in order to ensure that none of the translated versions was disorientation of the original form by the inclusion of strange opinions and political chauvinism of individual translators.
The translated version of the Bible was designed in a way to put more emphasis on rhythm and punctuation. This was done to help the text develop a fresh oral quality to be read out loud and clear in the Church.
Translation rules followed for King James Bible
- It was suggested to retain the names of the Prophets and the Holy Writers along with other names of the text
- It is likeable that there could be words in the original text with different Significations and only those, which were profusely used by the Ancient Fathers, were to be used according to the Property of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith
- Old ecclesiastical words have to be used. Say, for example, words like Church and Congregation cannot be supplemented with suitable synonyms
- During the translation process, it was necessary to follow the original Bishops Bible and playing with the true and authentic was not permissible
- The Divisions or the Chapters of the text had to be altered as par requirement
- There was no need to attach any sort of added explanation only certain meanings of Hebrew or Greek words which are beyond the normal capacity of human understanding had to be deciphered
- All books needed to go through a proper system of judgment and re-judgment before the final attribution
- The translation was principally based on the Bishop’s Bible but the translators were also liable to make use of the Tyndale, Matthew, Coverdale, Great, and Geneva Bibles for a more concretization of facts
The King’s Bible was bigger in comparison to the Great Bible. The letters were printed in black following the italicized Roman type. Such a creation, which was done to produce something mightier than the mightiest made religion simpler for the commoners. Here lies the significance of King James Bible.
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