Forensic Science

Forensic science primarily deals with criminal investigation. This field of science relates to several disciplines in course of criminal inquiry. Forensic is an essential part of criminal investigation that needs to be judged in the court before the final verdict is stated. In fact, forensic evidence in court can cause a dramatic change in a case and point towards new dimensions in the course of action.

Another remarkable contribution of Forensic is to identify distinctiveness between firearms and projectile and at times between projectile and target. For instance, when a gun is produced in the court and is being identified as the tool utilized in the crime, then the bullet from the victim’s body is matched with the gun to see how far the evidence produced in court matches with the scene of crime. Forensic also involves tool mark identification. The science of forensic also includes explosives and tracks evidences and contributes to justice likewise:

Forensic Psychiatry And Profiling

Forensic psychiatry deals with psychological illnesses and disorders. In this part of forensic, the investigator investigates deeper into the darker aspects of human mind to find out reasons as to how the mental abnormality of an individual makes him lose control and commit a crime. On the other hand profiling is that aspect of forensic criminology where the investigator examines the crime scene to offer a personality profile of the criminal.

Role Of Document In Forensic

Forensic is that particular discipline which also deals with concepts like forgery, counterfeiting, handwriting analysis and other related sub disciplines. In many cases where an attempt is made to make a murder look like a suicidal case either by leaving a false suicidal note written by someone else and not by the victim or forcing the victim to write a letter before committing the murder. In both cases, a forensic expert would be able to draw a fair conclusion as to what has been the actual case and forward his opinion in relation to the validity of the letter.

Forensic Personal Identification

The matter of personal identification is about how a forensic expert identifies an individual on the basis of fingerprints, DNA analysis, odontology and other sub disciplines. In many cases, a forensic expert helps in identifying a criminal by matching his fingerprints with those found on the weapon being used to commit the murder. Again, in case of female physical assault a forensic expert identifies the culprit by means of a DNA test.

Crime Scene Processing In Forensic

Crime scene processing involves all features of the science of forensic. The concept relates how all-forensic scientific features come together in analyzing a crime scene, collecting evidences, tagging and bagging evidences and experimenting with evidences in the laboratory.

Some Of The Major Scientific Disciplines In Forensic

  1. Forensic Accounting – It is the study of accounting and understanding forensic evidences in Financial terms.
  2. Forensic Toxicology – It is a kind of study to understand how drugs and poisons affect human body
  3. Forensic economics – Economic damages are analyzed in relation to lost value of a business.
  4. Forensic entomology – It is a discipline where the forensic expert examines insects, around human carcass to determine time the location and other aspects of death
  5. Forensic engineering – This discipline is the study of causes regarding failure of devices and structures

These are just a few to mention from the list. In fact, forensic science disciplines are endless. This is because there is no end to the unpleasant crafting of human mind to commit crime.

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